Prepare for Emergencies!
Valley Gardens Community Centre and the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service are offering a free 90 minute interactive workshop geared towards educating community about the importance of emergency preparedness while also aiming to provide accessible tools for individuals to use to create their own emergency plans, kits, and ‘go-bags’.
Winnipeg is no stranger to extreme temperatures, weather events, blackouts, air quality events, building closures, floods, and fires. These incidents have signifcant and long-lasting impacts on the individuals and families dispalced by them. Unfortunately, the people most directly impacted by incidents such as residentialfires, building closures, and extreme weather are those identiying as Indigenous, Newcomers, 55+, and other vulnerable folks in our communities.
The goal of our workshop is to provide an opportunity to build skills and confidence surrounding personal response to emergency incidents so that communities can prepare in advance, keep themselves and their families safe during, and begin the recovery process safely after an emergency.
Topics covered in our workshop include a brief introduction to the Office of Emergency Management at the City of Winnipeg, the “Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness” (knowing the Risks, Making a Plan, and Engaging with your Support Network), creating a 72-hour emergency kit, the importance of insurance and how is can help in an emergency, and an overview of smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector safety.
The WFPS team will spend time answering questions related to emergency preparedness and will bring handouts withinformation covered in the presentation for people to take home.
Space is limited, so use the link below to pre-register.