Valley Gardens sports refund policy
There are various reasons families may request a refund of their registration fees. Please note that the following only applies to registration collected by Valley Gardens CC directly. At present this only applies to micro soccer. Any refund inquiries for other sports should be directed to the league with which you registered.
The following describes the type of refund VGCC would give at the discretion of the convenor:
1. Full registration refund if
a. player can not be placed on a VGCC team
b. player has a medical condition and has been advised by a Medical Practitioner not to play. (Player has not played any games.)
2. Prorated registration refund if
a. player decides to withdraw his/her registration (no longer wants to play - this does not include players that can not be placed on a VGCC team.) Refunds will be issued based on the time of the request:
Prior to the first practice 100% refund except the club and administration fee.
After 1st practice but before 1st scheduled game and/or submission of team rosters - 75% refund except club and administration fee.
After 1st game but before conclusion of the first quarter of the scheduled games - 50% refund except club and administration fee.
After conclusion of the first quarter of the schedule games - No refund.
b. player who registers at VGCC and does not belong to the VGCC catchment will receive a 100% refund except the club and administration fee.
c. player is injured, and for medical reasons, can not finish the season. The requirement of a medical certificate is at the discretion of the convenor.
The registration fee will be prorated over the season and the refund will be for the unpaid portion of the season.
The club and administration fee will not be refunded in this instance.
Returned Cheque Policy:
There will be a $40.00 service fee added to any registration fee cheque returned to the Community Centre. You will be required to cover the full amount of the cheque plus the $40.00 fee (by cash, money order, certified cheque, or a bank draft), within 14 days of the return, or your child will be removed from the registered program.