Valley Gardens Community Centre

Outdoor Spaces

At Valley Gardens we have fun and beautiful spaces for our community to share and enjoy

  • Playground at 218 Antrim Rd

    Built in 2017 with the new splash pad.

  • Splashpad at 218 Antrim Rd

    The Splashpad is maintained by the City of Winnipeg. For any questions, please contact 311.

    Open 9:30am to 8:30pm daily. The season typically starts around the May Long weekend and closes at the Labour Day weekend.

  • Valley Gardens Grove

    Established in 2024 with financial support from the City of Winnipeg through the Home Grown Grant.

  • Shane Fox Memorial Diamond

    Dedicated in memory of our past convener and long time volunteer Shane Fox.

    Rebuilt in 2023 as part of the Government of Manitoba’s Building Sustainable Communities Program.

  • Diamonds 1 and 2

    New fencing completed in 2023 as part of the Government of Manitoba’s Building Sustainable Communities Program

  • ODRs

    Rink 1 for pleasure skating
    Rinks 2 and 3 for VGCC team practices, rental use, and community use.

  • Valley Gardens CC on-site fields and playgrounds

    Overview of Valley Gardens fields located nearby. Some sports fields used by VG teams are located offsite.