Craft Sales at VGCC

Want to host your next craft sale at VGCC? Let us know! Our halls books up quickly, so you’ll want to plan well in advance. Craft sales generally run 11-4. Everyone needs to be out by 5pm (5:30 at the latest) because we most likely have a social that evening.

Looking for a craft sale to vend at here in VGCC? Felicitous Events has several craft sales booked here at VGCC for 2023. Reach out to them to see about their table availability.

Do you want to support Valley Gardens Community and the Centre by hosting a craft sale event? We’d love to have you join our Board of Directors. At this time we don’t have anyone for Fundraising.

Are you more interested in Plants? The EK Gardens group will host their annual plant sale on Tuesday May 30, 2023 from 7 - 8:30pm


Dog Park


2023 AGM notice